Kelsey Marple - Becca Jones - Portland Therapist - Trauma Informed Counseling

A group practice in Portland dedicated to empowering people to heal their connections to others and themselves through trauma-informed therapy that feels human.

Perhaps you’re processing a life transition that has shaken your sense of grounding.

Perhaps you’re looking to develop a healthier personal identity or overcome shame.

Perhaps you’re seeking to heal trauma so that you live life with deeper connectedness.

Whatever brought you here, we are so glad you’re exploring options to invest in your own healing.

It would be an honor to hear your story, and we would love to help you find grounding and direction so that you can step into your life with genuine presence.

ha·ven - a place of safety or refuge.

Book your free 15 minute consult with a Woodhaven Therapist today.

  • Kelsey Marple - SW Portland Therapist - Woodhaven Therapy

    Hi, I'm Kelsey.

    I believe the real work of therapy is figuring how to more deeply connect with ourselves, to make sense of our experiences, and to create meaning from them. I believe there are no bad parts of ourselves, and if we can truly believe that, we can cultivate more compassion even for parts of us we are not proud of.

  • Becca Jones - SW Portland Therapist - Woodhaven Therapy

    Hi, I'm Becca.

    I think there are no bad parts to us, we just get caught in cycles of trying to survive. To me, therapy is more about creating space than creating change. We already have what we need, we just need a safe space to access that in new ways.

Reduced Fee Graduate Interns

  • Hi, I'm Sabrina.

    The world is a beautiful and complex place & sometimes we need help navigating through the nuance. My goal as a counselor is to provide a safe and supportive space to my clients where they can explore their experiences while I offer warmth, compassion, empathy, and perhaps a touch of humor.

  • Josiah Biles - SW Portland Therapist - Woodhaven Therapy - Reduced Fee - Graduate Intern

    Hi, I'm Josiah.

    We all long for wholeness, but so often we feel fragmented, anxious, and disconnected from ourselves and others. Therapy is a space we can hit pause together and relationally work towards becoming more integrated people with deeper reserves of hope and resilience.

  • Hi, I'm Kathleen.

    Often when we’re stuck, we feel as if we’ve run out of options; we don’t know how to move forward. Maybe you’re tired of living this way and you’re ready for things to be different. Sometimes we’re too close to our own challenges to see what is getting in our way. This is where I can be helpful.

  • Marissa Kendall - SW Portland Therapist - Woodhaven Therapy - Reduced Fee - Graduate Intern

    Hi, I'm Marissa.

    I believe in the power of feeling seen and supported. Everyone has the potential for growth; often, what's needed is a nurturing environment where you feel acknowledged and understood. Creating space that allows personal growth and self-discovery is what I strive to provide as a therapist.

  • Hi, I'm Maddie.

    Every individual possesses the potential for a fulfilling and meaningful life; often, we simply need the right support to unlock what already lies within. In collaboration, we can navigate challenges, cultivate resilience, and forge a path toward purpose and fulfillment.